Epidemic strikes hospital in the Czech republic

12 сентября 2015
116 employees of the hospital in Znojmo announced to have health problems during the last 24 hours.

According to the spokeswoman of the Czech Ministry of Health Štěpánka Čechová, the epidemic was most probably caused by the food for the employees. It affected 116 out of more than 1000 people working in the hospital.

No serious health damages were registered and no employee was hospitalized, said Marcela Půčková of Znojmo hospital. Governor of the South Moravian Region Michal Hašek announced that there is no need to close the hospital as the epidemic did not affect any of the patients. Condition of the afflicted emplyees is improving, he added.   

The Sanitary Service already took all necessary measures. Analysis of the samples taken from the hospital will be available within 48 hours.

Ministry of Health assumes that the epidemic could be caused by staphylococcal enterotoxicosis. Heat-resistant bacterial toxins are responsible for severe diarrhea, nausea, fever and intestinal cramping that start during the several hours after poisoned food was consumed.  

Source: ČTK.